From the reaction of the elemental lanthanides
and actinides in molten alkali metal/polychalcogenide salts, several new ternary compounds have been
discovered. Specifically,
these phases are K4USe8 (I) and
ALnQ4 (II), where A = K, Ln = Ce or Tb, and Q = Se or
= Rb, Ln = Ce, Q = Te; and NaLnS3 (III), where Ln =
La, Ce. The K4USe8 crystallizes
the orthorhombic space group Fdd2 (No. 43) with a
= 17.331(4) Å, b = 20.584(3) Å, c
8.811(3) Å, Z = 8. The KCeSe4
crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/nbm
(No. 125)
with a = 6.376(2) Å, c = 8.327(1)
Å, Z = 2. The KTbSe4 crystallizes in the
tetragonal space
group P4/nbm (No. 125) with a =
6.255(2) Å, c = 8.227(1) Å, Z =
2. The RbCeTe4 crystallizes
in the tetragonal space group P4/nbm (No. 125)
with a = 6.952(3) Å, c = 9.084(4)
Å, Z = 2.
The NaCeS3 crystallizes in the orthorhombic space
group Pmmn (No. 59) with a =
Å, b = 4.238(2) Å, c = 9.802(2)
Å, Z = 2. The NaLaS3 crystallizes in the
orthorhombic space
group Pmmn (No. 59) with a = 5.752(4) Å,
b = 4.2796(6) Å, c = 9.841(2) Å,
Z = 2. Compound
I features discrete
[U(Se2)4]4- anions,
while (II) and (III) possess extended structures in which
the lanthanide and chalcogenide atoms form infinite two-dimensional
layers. In II the
lanthanide cations are in square antiprismatic coordination
environments, connected into
layers by Q−Q bonds. In III, the lanthanides bond to a mixture
of mono- and disulfides in
a bicapped trigonal prismatic geometry; these polyhedra subsequently
connect in two
dimensions, forming layers equivalent to those seen in the
ZrSe3 structure type. Details of
the synthesis, structure, and properties of these compounds are