Since the work by Allan ( 1 , Z ) and Robinson ( 3 ) , organic solvents have been used for increasing sensitivities of analysis in atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The most widely used solvent is 4-methyl-2-pentanone (or methyl isobutyl ketone, MIBK). However, its partial solubility in the aqueous phase can be a problem when extracting standards and samples a t different organic-to-aqueous ratios. Previous unpublished work in this laboratory indicated that 3-heptanone might be a possible alternative to MIBK. The former is less soluble in water than the latter and metal chelates are extracted equally well. This report includes the following: the solubility of the two solvents in water and ammonium citrate solutions of varying concentration a t 25 "C; the effect of the solubility of the ketone in the aqueous phase on extraction of lead a t different ratios of organic to aqueous phases; and the efficiency of nebulization of the two solvents. The chelate lead (diethyldithio-carbamate12 was chosen for the ratio experiment as it was a part of a larger study on the effect of hydrogen ion concentration on the determination of lead by solvent extraction and atomic absorption. The solubility in ammonium citrate was studied as citrate is often used as a buffering or masking agent.
Apparatus.A Perkin-Elmer model 403 atomic absorption spectrophotometer with a Fisher Scientific Co. neon filled lead hollow cathode lamp was used for atomic absorption measurements using the 283.3-nm absorbing line of lead. The spectrophotometer is equipped with a laminar flow burner atomizer and a single 4-inch slot burner head. A double "propeller" bladed flow spoiler is attached within the atomizer chamber. Flow rates used were 14.4 I./ min for air and 1.2 l./min for acetylene while aspirating MIBK and 1.6 l./min while aspirating 3-heptanone. Instrument settings were as recommended by the manufacturers optimized for the analysis.L V absorption measurements were made on a Cary Model 14 recording spectrophometer.
Reagents. MIBK and 3-heptanone (Matheson, Coleman andBell) and 2-octanone (Eastman Kodak) were distilled from all glass apparatus. 20% Ammonium Citrate. Four hundred grams of ammonium citrate, dibasic, (Baker Analyzed Reagent) were dissolved in 500 ml of double deionized water and neutralized with 128 ml of ammonium hydroxide to the end point of cresol red (pH 7.2). Then 25 ml of 0.496 sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDDC) and 100 ml of 3-heptanone or MIBK were added. The mixture was shaken in a 2-liter separatory funnel for one minute and the phases were allowed to separate. After the upper ketone layer was discarded, another 100-ml ketone extraction was performed. The aqueous layer was then removed and diluted to 2 liters with double deionized water. A third batch was prepared without extraction for use in the solubility studies.Stoch Lend Solution (1000 Fglrnl). Lead nitrate, 1.6985 gram (Pb(N03)2 Baker Analyzed Reagent) purified by recrystalization ( 4 ) , was dissolved in double deionized water, diluted to 1 liter, ...