Reactive processing provides a simple approach for grafting
covalent cross-linkers onto linear or branched polymers, resulting
in covalent adaptable networks (CANs). We synthesized poly(n-hexyl methacrylate) (PHMA) CANs from neat, entangled PHMA
using radical-based reactive processing to graft the dynamic covalent
cross-linker called BiTEMPS methacrylate (BTMA) between PHMA side
chains. By tuning the BTMA loading, we achieved a range of cross-link
densities and characterized how stress relaxation, elevated-temperature
creep, and reprocessability are affected by cross-link density. The
grafting of dynamic covalent cross-links to the PHMA side chains allowed
for a novel comparison of our CANs to the reversible, entangled polymers
described by sticky reptation theory, in which long-time relaxation
occurs by the unraveling of backbone entanglements, a process enabled
by the dissociation and subsequent exchange of side-chain “stickers.”
We observed two stress relaxation regimes in our CANs that required
their fitting to a linear combination of two stretched exponential
decay functions to extract pertinent stress relaxation parameters.
The apparent activation energies of stress relaxation and creep viscosity
are the same within experimental uncertainty for these PHMA CANs,
verifying the shared mechanisms governing the temperature dependence
of their viscoelastic responses, independent of CAN cross-link density.
Notably, the activation energies for these PHMA CANs made by linking
BTMA between side chains are ∼50–60% of those reported
previously for PHMA CANs made with BTMA cross-links between the chain
backbones. These outcomes demonstrate the importance of synthesis-structure-property-reprocessing
relationships in CANs that may be made by various methods or by varying
the position or incorporation of dynamic cross-linkers in the CAN