Data on the influence of vapors of nitromethane -a mesophasogenic solvent, i.e., a solvent forming with a polymer a lyotropic liquid-crystal phase -on the structure of acetate fibers are presented. It has been established that nitromethane in the vaporous state initiates in the polymer matrix orientation processes: induced anisotropy, spontaneous elongation of the fiber (which, in terms of Flory, is considered to be the transition to the nematic phase), as well as the process inverse to the self-elongation discovered for the first time, etc. It has been shown that the realization of both the direct and inverse processes of spontaneous deformation of cellulose acetate in mesophasogenic solvent vapors is associated with the optical asymmetry, i.e., the optical activity of the polysaccharide.Intensive experimental and theoretical studies of liquid-crystal (LC) polymer systems of synthetic origin, whose macromolecules are characterized by a high rigidity of the chain, date back to the 1950s [1, 2]. Later, the LC state was also revealed for natural polymers, e.g., such as cellulose and its derivatives [3,4], the conformation of whose macromolecules is far from a rigid rod and is closer to the conformation of a semirigid chain.Because the melting temperatures are much higher than the temperatures of intensive thermal decomposition, most cellulose derivatives cannot go to the LC state in melts and create only lyotropic LC systems. The formation of mesomorphous solutions of this class of substances is complicated because of the necessity to use high polymer concentrations (over 25 mass %) and in a rather limited range of solvents, in which the LC phase is formed [3][4][5]. The best studied in this respect are systems based on cellulose ethers: oxypropyl-, oxymethyl-, ethylcellulose, and ethers in such solvents as water, dimethylacetamide, dimethylsulfoxide, acetic, dichloracetic, and formic acids [3,5]. The series of polymer LC systems based on natural polysaccharides that have received fairly complete and detailed studies includes cellulose esters, in particular, cellulose acetates [4, 6, 7] having in the composition of the macromolecular chain (depending on the degree of etherification of the samples) a different ratio between acetate and hydroxyl groups. It has been established that in the presence of a solvent specifically interacting with the functional groups of the polymer acetic-acid cellulose esters can form systems with phenomena and signs characteristic of the LC state [6][7][8][9][10][11]. Among such criteria are, for example, the distinguishing features of the rheological behavior of mesomorphous solutions [6][7][8][9]. For the solid-like state these are induction of time-independent optical anisotropy in acetate films [7,10], the phenomenon of spontaneous elongation of fibers of the same nature [11], which according to Flory, directly confirms the transition of the polymer-solvent system to the nematic phase [1, 12], etc.The effect of spontaneous elongation of fibers and films based on cellulose acetates at...