(GLY) acts as a key contributor to tropospheric ozone production
and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation on local to regional
scales. The detection of GLY provides useful indicators of fast photochemistry
occurring in the lower troposphere. The fast and sensitive detection
of GLY is thus important, while traditional chemical ionization such
as the proton-transfer reaction (PTR) is extremely limited by the
poor detection limit and extensive fragmentation. To address these
limitations, electron attachment reaction (EAR) ionization was applied
to detect GLY. The generation of parent anions (GLY–) without fragmentation was observed, and cryogenic photoelectron
imaging spectroscopy further characterized the structure of GLY–. The detection limit was estimated to be as low as
(52 ± 1) pptv (parts per trillion by volume) with 1 min measurements.
Other components in ambient air, such as water, carbon dioxide, and
trace gases (acetone, propanal, etc.) have no effect on the detection
of GLY. The EAR ionization is more promising than PTR ionization in
detecting GLY. The detection of GLY in ambient air by the EAR ionization
has been demonstrated.