We propose a QCD-inspired two-component Pomeron form which gives an excellent description of the pp, πp, Kp, γp and γγ total cross-sections. Our fit has a better χ 2 /dof for a smaller number of parameters as compared with the PDG fit. Our 2-Pomeron form is fully compatible with weak Regge exchange-degeneracy, universality, Regge factorization and the generalized vector dominance model.
LPNHE 00-02April 2000 * Unité de Recherche des Universités Paris 6 et Paris 7, Associée au CNRS 1 40 years after its introduction [1] and in spite of very important advances in QCD, the Pomeron remains an open problem. In particular, the nonperturbative structure of the Pomeron is still controversial.The most popular model of the non-perturbative Pomeron is, of course, the Donnachie-Landshoff (DL) model [2]. The total cross-sections for pp and pp scattering are parametrized in terms of five parameters :whereandα P (0) is the Pomeron-intercept, α R (0) is the effective non-leading exchangedegenerate Regge intercept and X, Y the corresponding Regge residues. An overall scale factor s 0 = 1 GeV 2 is implicitely present in eqs.(1)-(2). The key-parameters ε and α R (0) have the following values :and α R (0) = 0.5475.The pp data are well reproduced. It was therefore tempting to use the DL form to the simultaneous study of all existing total cross-sections. It is precisely what was done by PDG in the last edition of the "Review of Particle Physics" [3], [4]. The total cross-sections σ are parametrized in refs. 3 and 4 in the variant of a non-exchange-degenerate DL form :whereα R + (0) and α R − (0) being the Regge intercepts of the non-leading Regge trajectory R + in the even-under-crossing amplitude and R − in the odd-undercrossing amplitude respectively. X, Y 1 , Y 2 are the corresponding Regge 2 residues. There are 16 parameters for fitting 271 experimental points involving 8 reactions :pp, pp, π ± p, K ± p, γp and γγ. The overall χ 2 is excellent : χ 2 /dof = 0.93 1 . The key-parameter ε has now the value 0.0900. The problem with the form of refs. 3 and 4 is the bad violation of the weak exchange-degeneracy (i.e. α R + (0) = α R − (0)), namelyHowever, the masses of the resonances, as published in the "Review of Particle Physics" [5], clearly indicate that the weak exchange-degeneracy is respected. As seen from fig. 1a) the 10 resonances belonging to the 4 different I G (J P C ) families ρ−ω−f 2 −a 2 are compatible with a unique linear exchangedegenerate Regge trajectorywithandThe numerical values (11)-(12) are extracted just by plugging in (10) the masses and the spins of ρ 1 (770) and ρ 3 (1690) resonances. Remarkably enough, the same α(0) value (11) is compatible with the ∆σ data for the total cross-section differencesThe ∆σ data for pp, Kp and πp and √ s > ∼ 6 GeV [6] shown in the log-log plot of fig. 1b) are all compatible with the straight lines of eq. 14 , the slopes of which are precisely given by the α R − (0) value of eq. (11).These indications in favour of the weak exchange-degeneracy, coming both from the resonanc...