Binuclear Cu II and Ni II complexes with exogenous acetate and pyrazolate bridges were synthesized and studied. It was shown that the 2 coordination of the DMSO molecule in an acetate bridged Cu II complex leads to the inversion of the sign of the exchange interaction parameter. Quantum chemical calculations of the geometry of the complexes and the magnetic exchange parameters showed that the role of the DMSO molecule is to stabilize the "distorted" conformation of metallocycles.Hydrazones and azomethines of multifunctional carbo nyl compounds are among the most extensively studied ligands in modern coordination and supramolecular chem istry. 1-4 These ligand systems are characterized by the formation of binuclear complexes exhibiting ex change interactions between metal ions, which can be both antiferro and ferromagnetic. 5-10 The magnetochemi cal analysis of such exchange coupled systems is an important area of coordination chemistry. The chal lenge of this area is to prepare polynuclear complexes hav ing a high magnetic moment and capable of sustain ing magnetization, which are known as single molecule magnets.
11-15There are a lot of literature data on the structures and magnetic properties of binuclear complexes with bis azomethines of 1,3 diaminopropan 2 ol based on salicyl aldehyde or diketones. 10 However, only complexes based on symmetrical macrocyclic bis azomethines of 1,3 diaminopropan 2 ol and 2,6 diformyl 4 R phenols were described. 1, [16][17][18] In the present work, we report on the results of the study of binuclear copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes based on N,N´ bis(3 formyl 5 tert butylsalicylidene) 1,3 diaminopropan 2 ol (H 3 L).Due to the presence of two free formyl groups in the azomethine molecule H 3 L, it is possible not only to pre pare binuclear complexes with an asymmetrical exchange fragment but also to form ligand systems with different amines and hydrazines capable of chelating two more metal ions. This opens a route to the synthesis of both homo and heteronuclear complexes containing four paramag netic exchange coupled centers.
ExperimentalThe compounds H 3 L and [Cu 2 L(OAc)] (1) were synthesized according to a procedure described earlier. 19 The DMSO solvate of ( 2 acetato O,O´) [ 2 1,3 bis(3 formyl 5 tert butylsalicylidenealdiminato)propan 2 olate O,N,N´]