We construct self-similar inflow-outflow solutions for a hot viscous-resistive accretion flow with large scale magnetic fields that have odd symmetry with respect to the equatorial plane in B θ , and even symmetry in B r and B φ . Following previous authors, we also assume that the polar velocity v θ is nonzero. We focus on four parameters: β r0 , β φ0 (the plasma beta parameters for associated with magnetic field components at the equatorial plane), the magnetic resistivity η 0 , and the density index n = −d ln ρ/d ln r. The resulting flow solutions are divided into two parts consisting of an inflow region with a negative radial velocity (v r < 0) and an outflow region with v r > 0. Our results show that stronger outflows emerge for smaller β r0 ( 10 −2 for n > 1) and larger values of β φ0 , η 0 and n.