The surface states of topological insulators, which behave as charged massless Dirac fermions, are studied in the presence of a quantizing uniform magnetic field. Using the method of D.H. Lee 1 , analytical formula satisfied by the energy spectrum is found for a singly and doubly connected geometry. This is in turn used to argue that the way to measure the quantized Hall conductivity is to perform the Laughlin's flux ramping experiment and measure the charge transferred from the inner to the outer surface, analogous to the experiment in Ref. 2 . Unlike the Hall bar setup used currently, this has the advantage of being free of the contamination from the delocalized continuum of the surface edge states. In the presence of the Zeeman coupling, and/or interaction driven Quantum Hall ferromagnetism, which translate into the Dirac mass term, the quantized charge Hall conductivity Ïxy = ne 2 /h, with n = 0, ±1, ±3, ±5 . . .. Backgating of one of the surfaces leads to additional Landau level splitting and in this case n can be any integer.Theoretical prediction of the existence of an odd number of Dirac cones in the dispersion of the surface states of topological insulators 3,4 and subsequent experimental observation of such unusual surface states 5-8 has propelled this research field into an active area of condensed matter physics (for reviews see Refs. [9][10][11] ). Particularly interesting is the problem of the topological insulator surface Dirac Fermions in magnetic field. Because the Dirac Fermions carry definite charge, the magnetic field couples to the orbital motion. If this motion is constrained to be perpendicular to the applied field, the Landau level quantization results. However, as discussed by D.H. Lee 1 , since the Dirac Fermions move on the surface of a 3-dimensional material, in the absence of magnetic monopoles, i.e for â · B = 0, it is impossible for the magnetic field to be everywhere along the normal of an oriented surface. Instead, in a typical experimental setting, the three dimensional material is placed in a uniform external magnetic field, and only portions of the surface, say the top and the bottom ones, experience Landau quantization. The Dirac Fermions on the surfaces tangential to the external magnetic field continue moving as plane-waves.In addition, the spin-orbit coupling, which causes the appearance of the Dirac particles in the first place, makes the Zeeman coupling different from that in graphene, where Dirac particles also appear but where the spinorbit coupling is negligible. Thus, instead of simply spin splitting the electronic energy levels, the Zeeman term in topological insulators acts as a Dirac mass. As illustrated in Fig.II, this causes the splitting of the zeroth Landau level, but the higher Landau levels are not split unless their guiding center approaches the edge. Rather, at positive energies they move up and at negative energies they move down. Of course, because of the Dirac structure, the energy scale associated with Zeeman splitting ⌠1K Ă H[T ] is much smaller 1 th...