1982. A survey of epicuticular waxes among genera of Triticeae. 111. Synthesis and conclusion. Can. J. Bot. 60: 1761-1770.Characteristics of ultrastructural morphology and chemical composition of epicuticular waxes on glumes of Triticeae were combined for two series of numerical taxonomic analyses. The first, incorporating within-genus variability, utilized frequencies and information radius. The information radius matrix was subjected to Jardine-Sibson Bk clustering, then transformed to Euclidean distances for distance Wagner and principal-coordinate analyses. The second series employed a table of average character values for each genus which was subjected to four ordinations: ( i ) principal-component analysis of the correlation matrix, (ii) principal-component analysis of the variance-covariance matrix, (iii) principal-coordinate analysis, and (iv) nonmetric multidimensional scaling. The results are compared and general inferences are drawn. Occurrence of wax filaments on the glumes was highly correlated with presence of appreciable amounts of P-diketones in wax from the whole plant. While some genera, such as Triticurn and Aegilops, appeared less closely related than expected from classification based on morphology, this procedure has suggested relationships between other genera, such as Roegneria and Hordeurn and Secale and Elyrnus. The genera Leyrnus, Elyrnus, and Aneurolepidiurn were also closely related to each other and more distantly to Elytrigia, Triticurn, and Agropyron. A relatively close relationship was also shown between the seven genera, Crithopsis, Erernopyron, Heterantheliurn, Hordelyrnus, Psathyrostachys, Sitanion, and Taeniatherurn, which have waxes which do not contain any 0-diketones. BAUM,,B. R., et A. P. TULLOCH. 1982. A survey of epicuticular waxes among genera of Triticeae. 111. Synthesis and conclusion. Can. J. Bot. 60: 1761-1770. Les caractCristiques morphologiques ultrastructurales et la composition chimique des cires Cpicuticulaires des glumes des Triticeae ont Ct C combinCes pour deux series d'analyses taxonomiques numeriques. La premikre sCrie d'analyses incorpore la variabiliti a llintCrieur des genres et elle utilise des frequence~ et le "rayon d'information" (information radius). La matrice des rayons d'information a Ct6 soumise a une analyse de groupement Bk, puis a Ct C transfornee en distances Euclidiennes pour une analyse WagnCrienne de distance et une analyse en coordonnCes principales. La deuxikme sCrie d'analyses s'appuie sur un tableau des valeurs moyennes des caractkres pour chaque genre. Ce tableau a Ct C trait6 par quatre mCthodes d'ordination: ( i ) analyse en composantes principales de la matrice de corrClations, (ii) analyse en composantes principales de la matrice de variance-covariance, (iii) analyse en coordonnCes principales et (iv) cadrage multidimensionnel non-mCtrique. Les rCsultats sont comparCs et des conclusions gCnCrales sont dCgagCes. La prCsence de filaments cireux sur les glumes est fortement corrClCe avec la prksence de quantitCs apprkciables de P-d...