Unhydrogenated and hydrogenated sunflowerseed oils were exposed to the autoxidation process by sunlight under atmospheric conditions. Experiments were carried out in equal-sized glass, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) polymer, and metal (covered by tin) containers. The reaction time was 30 d, and the reaction course was observed by determining weight changes and peroxide values (PV) of the oil samples at the same time within 2-d intervals. The logarithm of the PV was plotted against time, and straight lines were obtained from the 4th or 6th d. The autoxidation reaction constants were obtained for each oil in each container. When comparing the reaction constants, the unhydrogenated oils autoxidize easily, and the autoxidation reaction occurs faster in sunlight in glass than in the PET polymer container and much faster than in the darkness of the metal container.