Abstract. We describe completely a new induction process on three-interval exchange transformations, under its additive and multiplicative forms; we describe the natural extension of the induction map, show that it is self-dual for the notion of duality which links the Rauzy/Zorich and da Rocha inductions, and compute a finite ergodic invariant measure (for the multiplicative form). Then we explain the connection with the published negative slope algorithm of Ferenczi, Holton and Zamboni, and use our measure-theoretic study to get new results on three-interval exchange transformations.The classical Euclid algorithm of continued fraction approximation for an irrational α can be seen as a renormalization process on the dynamics of the rotation of angle α; this has several forms: the additive form is usually given by the induction map on two coordinates, (x, y) → (x − y, y) if x > y, (x, y) → (x, y − x) if x < y; the multiplicative form, which is an acceleration of the additive one, is given by the Gauss map x → { 1 x }. A useful generalization of this process to simultaneous approximation of several numbers is obtained by replacing rotations by interval exchange transformations, see for example the survey [2]; the additive form of a general process for exchanges of k intervals was given by Rauzy [15], it was then proved by Veech [17] and Masur [13] that the renormalization (or induction) map has an infinite invariant measure, and this was the source of many important results in the theory of interval exchange transformations; a multiplicative form was then derived by Zorich [18], who showed that it has a finite invariant measure. Another induction was proposed by da Rocha, it is dual to the first one in a sense precised in section 2.1 below; again, the additive form has an infinite invariant measure [11] and the multiplicative form has a finite invariant measure [3], and in both cases there is an explicit formula for the density with respect to the Lebesgue measure.A third algorithm was proposed for k = 3 by Ferenczi, Holton and Zamboni [4] [5], as an approximation algorithm called the negative slope algorithm; it was effective in the study of three-interval exchange tranformations, leading to new results [5] [6] [7], and was recently studied for itself by Nakada and Ishimura [10]; however, it does not appear explicitely as an induction algorithm on interval-exchange transformations, and it exists only under a multiplicative form. A new induction algorithm is defined for all k by Ferenczi and Zamboni [8] (see also [9] for k = 4); this exists as yet only under an additive form, and its connection with the negative slope algorithm is not explicit. The present paper aims to fill this gap and to study completely the new algorithm for k = 3: we first discuss its definition, then give a self-contained description of the induction process under its additive form, and deduce its multiplicative form; we identify the natural extension of this induction process, and show that it is self-dual for the Rauzy/da Rocha duality...