In my high school class in 1936, in which the planetary analogy was used for the hydrogen atom, the question "Why doesn't the electron eventually fall into the nucleus"? was asked, but no one there (including me) could give an answer. At the University of Kentucky a fewyears later, I achieved an understanding of this question from Dushman's book on quantum mechanics, which I read on my own because this area was not yet interesting to the Chemistry Faculty there. These studies, and the interest of one teacher in particular (Otto Koppius), led me to accept an offer of a teaching assistantship in Physics at Caltech for $20 a month, where I was to assist in the demonstration lectures to the general public. I had gone to Caltech to study quantum mechanics with William V. Houston, but the war intervened, and after one semester I switched to Chemistry under the influence of Linus Pauling.Because of my interests in molecular structure, Pauling suggested studies in electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction, and magnetic susceptibility, and so I began with Verner Schomaker a series of studies of structures of gas molecules by electron diffraction on chloroethylenes (resonance effects), vanadium tetrachloride (Jahn-Teller distortion), and diketene (a problem I had been interested in as an undergraduate). Again the war intervened, and I was transferred to war-related projects at Caltech. I survived handling beakers of pure nitroglycerin, and, in my spare time began an X-ray diffraction study of methylamine hydrochloride, so that Pauling would have a reliable C-N single-bond distance. Another war-related project led me to do some electron microscopy. After the war was over, Pauling suggested that I try to obtain electron micrographs of an antibody hapten complex, an example of his insight and enormous breadth of interests.The limitations of electron diffraction of gas molecules, and the relative certainty of X-ray diffraction results on crystals led me to decide on a series of studies of molecular structures in crystals grown at low temperatures. The techniques were worked out on structures of diketene and on several structures (NO dimer, N2H4, CH30H, CH3NH2, C0Cl2) in which residual entropy problems existed or were thought to occur. However, the longer range aspect was to determine the structures of the boron hydrides, particularly B4HI0, B5Hg, an6 BsHl I . Although structures were proposed, later shown to be incorrect, from early electron diffraction studies and discussed by Pauling in the Second Edition of the Nature of the Chemical *