Applying a first-principles scheme to liquid GeSe 4 , we show that the charge-charge structure factor does not present any feature at the location of the first sharp diffraction peak ͑FSDP͒, despite a clear FSDP in the concentration-concentration structure factor S CC (k). The origin of this effect is assigned in part to the finite extent of the electron density and in part to electron rearrangements. Our result provides evidence in favor of the postulate that, in binary network-forming systems, charge-charge correlations are absent on intermediaterange length scales. A FSDP in the S CC (k) then signals the occurrence of structural defects.The presence of a first sharp diffraction peak ͑FSDP͒ in the total structure factor of liquid and glasses is a signature of an intermediate-range order ͑IRO͒ established on distances well beyond nearest neighbors. 1-3 The FSDP can be related to specific structural correlations by considering the partial structure factors. 4,5 In particular, a FSDP in the Bhatia-Thornton concentration-concentration partial structure factor S CC (k),is indicative of fluctuations of concentration on distances typical of the IRO. S AA (k), S AX (k), and S XX (k) are the Faber-Ziman partial structure factors for a binary system made of A and X species of concentrations c A and c X , respectively. We note that the presence of a positive ͑negative͒ peak in S CC (k) corresponds to preferred correlations among atoms of the same ͑different͒ kind on length scales associated with the value of k. The absence of a peak reflects insensitivity to the chemical nature of the neighbors. On the basis of classical molecular-dynamics simulations, it was postulated that the absence of a FSDP in the structure factor S zz (k) is a general feature of any AX 2 disordered network, independently of the adopted theoretical scheme. 6,7 This statement appeared undermined by neutron-diffraction measurements which showed a FSDP in the structure factor S CC (k) of liquid GeSe 2 (l-GeSe 2 ). 8,9 In fact, under the assumption of pointlike ionic charges ͑as is the case in classical molecular dynamics͒, the structure factor S CC (k) becomes trivially proportional to the charge-charge structure factor S zz (k). However, for real systems the pointlike ionic model is only an approximation, and S CC (k) and S zz (k) are no longer necessarily equivalent. Hence, the postulation that charge-charge fluctuations are absent on intermediate-range distances might still have a profound meaning. The situation became even more intriguing when first-principles molecular-dynamics simulations of l-GeSe 2 , which properly account for charge transfer, also did not show any FSDP in the structure factor S CC (k), yet exhibiting excellent agreement for the total neutron structure factor over the entire k range. 10 In this work, we investigate the relation between chargecharge correlations and concentration-concentration correlations for a realistic system. We selected liquid GeSe 4 because previous simulations have shown that l-GeSe 4 presents a FSDP in t...