“…putative splicing corepressors+ Such an uncoupling phenotype for an alternative splicing regulator is a novel feature of the present study+ RRM4 appears to play a particularly important role in the splicing repression function of PTB, as an RRM4 deletion is not rescued by the remaining RRMs (1-3)+ Moreover, an RRM1 or RRM2 deletion is functionally neutral with respect to splicing repression activity+ Twelve RRM4 residues critical for the splicing repression function of PTB are identified (Fig+ 4, black bars)+ To assay the effects of PTB mutations, we developed a tissue-specific splicing extract that supports the neuralspecific pathway (exon inclusion), without a biochemical depletion step to remove PTB from the extract+ The neural extract contains nPTB, but levels of PTB isoforms are quite low+ Loss-of-function mutations are recognized in this assay as PTB variants that, in contrast to the wild-type protein, are unable to switch splicing to the nonneural pathway (exon skipping)+ The assay is also informative about regions of the protein that are nonessential for splicing repression+ Although the results of the present study show that PTB variants lacking the amino terminal domains, domain A, RRM 1, or RRM2 are fully active in the splicing switch assay, these regions are important, in vivo, for other functions+ Previous studies have shown that the nuclear localization of PTB requires the first 55 residues (domain A in the present study; Huang et al+, 1997; Perez et al+, 1997b), and protein dimerization requires RRMs 1 and 2 (Perez et al+, 1997b; Oh et al+, 1998)+ RRM4 is functionally distinct from the central region of the protein domain C, which contains an alanine-rich region consistent with its role as a flexible linker between RRMs 2 and 3+ Whereas the loss of RNA binding resulting from the deletion of domain C is closely linked to the loss of splicing repression activity, RRM4 mutations largely uncouple these two functions+ One interpretation of the RNA-binding behavior of the five domain C variants tested here is that RRM2, RRM3, or both actually extend beyond their predicted boundaries into domain C+ This interpretation would account for the global defects in RNA binding observed upon deletion of domain C+ It would be of interest to test this idea using structural approaches; however, information is lacking on this point+ A recent NMR study of PTB reports the structural characteristics of the region containing RRMs 3 and 4; however, the central linker region is absent from the studied proteins (Conte et al+, 2000)+ In a previous study, the human PTB isoforms PTB1, PTB2, and PTB4, which differ in the length of the central linker region, are reported to have differential effects on a muscle-specific exon of a-tropomyosin, although these isoforms have indistinguishable effects on the inclusion of a smooth muscle-specific exon found in a-actinin pre-mRNA (Wollerton et al+, 2001)+ In comparison, we have not observed any significant difference in the function of the corresponding rat PTB isoforms in the present study (rat PTB A1 corresponds to human PTB4; rat PTB A2 corresponds to human PTB1)+ The possibility that other neural pre-mRNAs are differentially affected cannot be ruled out, however+ The physiological importance of PTB isoforms is implicated from experiments documenting alterations in the ratio of human PTB isoforms in metastatic, compared to nonmetastatic rat prostate epithelial cancer cell lines (Wagner et al+, 1999)+ It has been speculated that these changes might induce irregularities in alternative splicing+…”