“…1 shows the very distorted octahedral configuration of the nitroprusside ion. The equatorial CN groups lie on a conical surface with the axis along the Fe-C(5) direction and an apical angle of about 85 ° The Fe atom is displaced towards the nitrosyl group, the Fe-N distance, 1.66 A, is shorter than Fe-C distances (mean 1.94/~), in agreement with determinations on the other nitroprussides (Manoharan & Hamilton, 1963;Lanfranconi, Alvarez & Castellano, 1973;Castellano, Piro & Rivero, 1977a,b;Rigotti, Punte, Rivero & Castellano, 1980). This configuration supports the interpretation of Ballhausen & Gray (1963) and the MO calculations of Manoharan & Gray (1965) and Tullberg & Vannenberg (1967) concerning bonding in the nitroprusside ion.…”