A simultaneous description of non-strange nuclei and hypernuclei is provided by a single mass formula inspired by the spin-flavour SU(6) symmetry breaking. This formula is used to estimate the hyperon binding energies of Lambda, double Lambda, Sigma, Cascade and Theta hypernuclei. The results are found to be in good agreement with the available experimental data on 'bound' nuclei and relativistic as well as quark mean field calculations. This mass formula is useful to estimate binding energies over a wide range of masses including the light mass nuclei. It is not applicable for repulsive potential.Keywords : Hypernuclei, Hyperon binding energy, Exotic nuclei, Mass formula, Separation Energy. PACS numbers: 21.80.+a, 21.10.Dr, 32.10.Bi, 12.90.+b The hypernuclear physics is of great importance in many branches of physics. Of particular interest is the understanding of strange particles in baryonic matter, since many questions in heavy-ion physics, particle physics and astrophysics are related to the effect of strangeness (S) in nuclear matter. Moreover, the contribution of the hyperons strongly influences the mass of neutron stars as well. In the past decade considerable amount of spectroscopic informations were accumulated experimentally on the Λ 0 (S=-1)hypernuclei. The Λ separation energies were determined for the ground states of about 40 Λ hypernuclei including several double-Λ hypernuclei [1], [2]. Doubly strange hypernuclei also arise in a form of Ξ − (S=-2) hypernuclei and were studied both theoretically In this scenario, an exotic hyperon Θ + (S=+1, mass ∼1530 MeV, width <15 MeV ) with exotic pentaquark structure was predicted in 1997 [12]. Announcement of its discovery at Spring-8, Japan [13] sparked an avalanche of activities in the field of hyperons and hypernuclei [14]. Now a question has arisen whether the Θ + hyperon really exists [15] and if so, whether it will be bound in a nucleus [16], [17]. Calculations in a relativistic mean-field formalism (RMF) suggest that as there is an attractive Θ + -nucleus interaction, the Θ + particle can be bound in nuclei and, the Θ + hypernuclei would be bound more strongly than Λ hypernuclei [18]. Recent calculations in quark mean-field (QMF) model also support existence of bound Θ + hypernuclei and predict that in comparison to Λ hypernuclei more bound states are there in Θ + hypernuclei [19]. While a search for bound Theta hypernuclei is on, for a large number of hypernuclei, including double Lambdas, Cascade and Sigmas, more experimental data are needed. One also needs to have an apriori estimation of their possible binding energies in a wide mass range for planning of the experiment and to locate the peaks in the experimental missing mass spectra.Although the Λ, Σ, Ξ and Θ hyperons are all baryons, no single mass formula exists which can predict the binding energies of all of them on the same footing as the non-strange nuclei. In this work we present a generalized mass formula for both the strange and non-strange nuclei which does not disregard the normal nu...