The crystal structure of the bifunctional enzyme 4-hydroxy-2-ketovalerate aldolase (DmpG)Íacylating acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (DmpF), which is involved in the bacterial degradation of toxic aromatic compounds, has been determined by multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) techniques and refined to 1.7-Ă
resolution. Structures of the two polypeptides represent a previously unrecognized subclass of metal-dependent aldolases, and of a CoA-dependent dehydrogenase. The structure reveals a mixed state of NAD Ű binding to the DmpF protomer. Domain movements associated with cofactor binding in the DmpF protomer may be correlated with channeling and activity at the DmpG protomer. In the presence of NAD Ű a 29-Ă
-long sequestered tunnel links the two active sites. Two barriers are visible along the tunnel and suggest control points for the movement of the reactive and volatile acetaldehyde intermediate between the two active sites. E nzymatic channeling is a process by which intermediates are moved directly between active sites in a sequential reaction pathway without equilibrating with the bulk phase (1, 2). Channeling processes are particularly advantageous over the free diffusion of reaction products through the bulk solvent because they can protect chemically labile intermediates from breakdown, prevent loss of nonpolar intermediates by diffusion across cell membranes, or protect the cell from toxic intermediates. Crystallographic studies on a number of different enzyme systems involved in substrate channeling (3-11) have revealed important structural factors that mediate intersubunit or interdomain communication and facilitate the efficient transfer of intermediates between distant active sites.A bifunctional aldolase-dehydrogenase catalyzes the final two steps of the meta-cleavage pathway for catechol, an intermediate in many bacterial species in the degradation of phenols, toluates, naphthalene, biphenyls and other aromatic compounds (reviewed in ref. 12). Thus, 4-hydroxy-2-ketovalerate aldolase (DmpG; EC 4.1.3.-) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acylating) (DmpF; EC from a methylphenol-degrading pseudomonad convert 4-hydroxy-2-ketovalerate to pyruvate and acetyl-CoA by way of the intermediate acetaldehyde (Scheme 1).The two enzymes are tightly associated with each other (13,14). Whereas the aldolase appears to be inactive when expressed without the dehydrogenase, the dehydrogenase retains some activity when expressed in the absence of aldolase (14), suggesting that at least the dehydrogenase active site is distinct from that of the aldolase. Several lines of evidence are consistent with channeling of acetaldehyde between the active sites. For example, the conversion of 4-hydroxy-2-ketovalerate to acetyl-CoA occurs Ï·20 times faster than that of acetaldehyde to acetyl-CoA, and the K m for acetaldehyde exceeds 50 mM, a physiologically irrelevant concentration (J.P., unpublished data). In addition, it has been shown that the aldolase activity is stimulated by the addition of the dehydrogenase cofactor to t...