Position and momentum space relative Rényi entropies of order ␣ are presented for ground-state neutral atoms with atomic numbers Z ϭ 1-103. Simple hydrogen-like model densities are used as the reference. A relationship with the atomic radius and quantum capacitance is also discussed. [36]. Recently, position and momentum space Rényi entropy has been investigated for atoms [37], Fisher-Rényi information plane, and entropic product have been introduced and new uncertainty relations [38] have been derived. In this article, the relative Rényi entropy is studied for atoms and ions.Consider a distribution function f. The Rényi entropy of order ␣ is defined as(The limit ␣ 3 1 gives the Shannon entropy:The relative or Kullback-Leibler entropy (also called cross-entropy) [39] I KL (f,g) is associated with two probability density functions g(r) and f (r):Correspondence