Results are provided of a 7 year study of biological parameters in females of three Pacific salmons of the genus Oncorhynchus (pink salmon O. gorbuscha, chum salmon O. keta, and sockeye salmon O. nerka) in the Olyutorsky and Karaginsky gulfs, Bering Sea. Abundance of the pink salmon is identified as the main determining factor of the interannual dynamics of maturity index in female Pacific salmon in coastal waters. Maturity index rises at high levels of abundance as a result of differently directed changes in two parameters: decreasing body weight and increasing ovary weight. In female chum salmon, maturity index depends on the age structure of the population and body weight dynamics of different age groups, factors influenced by high abundance of some pink salmon generations, and does not depend on the abundance of spawning chum salmon. The revealed association between pink salmon and sockeye salmon in dynamics of their biological parameters may result from the similarity of their diets; during the last year of fattening in the sea, the sockeye salmon is affected by the pink salmon, the most abundant of the three species. The interannual variation of biological parameters in pink salmon and chum salmon is more pronounced in Olyutorsky Gulf than in Kara ginsky Gulf.