The singularity structure of the solutions of the equations of motion for the Sigma and Skyrme model Lagrangians with the hedgehog ansatz is investigated. In both cases the solutions present superposed a polelike term and a logarithmic branch point. The set of solitonic configurations of the Skyrme model is characterized by the sequence of locations of their singularities on the negative real axis of the dimensionless variable z = (eFπr)2, with an accumulation point at z=0. The first few terms of the Laurent series representing the Skyrme soliton profile are shown to reproduce well the exact values in an interval about the origin. Padé approximants to the residual power series obtained after subtraction of the dominant pole term are modified in order to satisfy the constraints imposed by the asymptotic power series expansion, and approximate representations are built for the Skyrme soliton configuration, which are shown to combine simplicity with accuracy.