We present a generic wide-field optical sectioning scheme, photobleaching imprinting microscopy (PIM), for depth-resolved cross-sectional fluorescence imaging. Wide-field PIM works by extracting a nonlinear component that depends on the excitation fluence as a result of photobleaching-induced fluorescence decay. Since no specific fluorescent dyes or illumination modules are required, wide-field PIM is easy to implement on a standard microscope. Moreover, wide-field PIM is superior to deconvolution microscopy in removing background fluorescence, yielding a six-fold improvement in image contrast. V C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4827535] Three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy is an indispensable tool in studying cell and tissue biology. 1 However, because of out-of-focus light, conventional wide-field fluorescence microscopy generally does not have sectioning capabilities. To achieve depth-resolved wide-field fluorescence imaging, two major strategies are commonly used. One strategy, referred to as deconvolution microscopy (DM), computationally determines how much out-of-focus light is expected for the optics in use and then seeks to redistribute this light to its points of origin in the sample. 2 However, the reduction of out-of-focus light by DM is effective only for specimens in which the ratio of background fluorescence to the in-focus signal is no greater than $20:1. 3 Additionally, the contrast improvement by DM is achieved at the expense of a decreased signal-to-noise ratio and may also introduce structural artifacts. 4 The second strategy, referred to as structured illumination microscopy (SIM), projects a grid excitation pattern onto the sample and captures three phase-shifted fluorescence images. 5,6 The sectioned image is then calculated by a demodulation algorithm. 7 The drawback of SIM lies in image artifacts that result from imprecise instrumentation and sample bleaching. 8,9 Moreover, to adapt a standard wide-field fluorescence microscope for SIM, an additional illumination add-on module is required.In this letter, we present a generic wide-field optical sectioning scheme, photobleaching imprinting microscopy (PIM). Compared to DM and SIM, wide-field PIM is easy to implement-it does not require knowledge of the system's point-spread-function (PSF) or require an extra illumination module. A depth-resolved image can be simply derived from time-lapse imaging of photobleaching-induced fluorescent decay. The operating principle of wide-field PIM is illustrated in Fig. 1. Upon one-photon excitation, the light intensity measured by a wide-field microscope is the integration of the fluorescence emitted over all depths Iðx; yÞ ¼ C ð l a ðx; y; zÞFðx; y; zÞ Ã PSF z ðx; yÞdz;where C is a constant, l a is the absorption coefficient of the fluorophore, F is the excitation fluence distribution, PSF z is the point-spread-function at depth z, and the operator à represents 2D convolution. In fluorescence microscopy, photobleaching occurs when the excited electrons are trapped in a relative...