A matrix analytic paradigm, termed Quasi-Birth-Death Markov chains on binomial-like trees, is introduced and a quadratically converging algorithm to assess its steady state is presented. In a bivariate Markov chain {(X t , N t ), t ≥ 0}, the values of the variable X t are nodes of a binomial-like tree of order d, where the ith child has i children of its own. We demonstrate that it suffices to solve d quadratic matrix equations to yield the steady state vector, the form of which is matrix geometric. We apply this framework to analyze the multilevel feedback scheduling discipline, which forms an essential part in contemporary operating systems.Keywords QBD Markov chains · Tree-like processes · Matrix-analytic methods · Multilevel feedback queues Over the last few decades, broad classes of frequently encountered queueing models have been analyzed by matrix-analytic methods (Bini et al. 2005;Latouche and Ramaswami 1999;Neuts 1981Neuts , 1989. The embedded Markov chains in these models are two-dimensional generalizations of the classic M/G/1 and GI/M/1 queues, and quasi-birthdeath (QBD) processes. Matrix-analytic models include notions such as the Markovian arrival process (MAP) and the phase-type (PH) distribution, both in discrete and continuous time. Considerable efforts have been put into the development of efficient and numerically stable methods for their analysis (Bini et al. 2005). There is also an active search for accurate matching algorithms for both PH distributions and MAP arrivals when modeling communication systems (e.g., Asmussen et al. 1996;Bobbio et al. 2003;Breuer 2002;Horváth et al. 2005;Ryden 1996).One of the more recent paradigms within the field of matrix-analytic methods has been its generalization to discrete-time bivariate Markov chains {(X t , N t ), t ≥ 0}, in which the values of X t are the nodes of a d-ary tree (and N t takes integer values between 1 and h).