Programming with explicit timing information is often tedious and error prone. This is especially visible in music programming where, when played, the specified durations of notes and rests must be shortened in order to compensate the actual duration of all surrounding processing. In this paper, we develop the notion of timed extension of a monad that aims at relieving programmers from such a burden. We show how, under simple conditions, such extensions can be built, and how useful features of monad programming such as asynchronous concurrency with promises or data-flow programming with monadic streams can be uniformly lifted to the resulting timed programming framework. Even though presented and developed in the abstract, the notion of timed extension of a monad is nevertheless illustrated by two concrete instances: a default timed IO monad where programmers specify durations in microseconds, and a musically timed IO monad, where programmers specify durations in number of beats, the underlying tempo, that is, the speed of the music in beats per minute, possibly changed whenever needed.