The title compound wasprepared by sulfurization of a I -phosphaallene and its x-ray structure analysis showed the following notable features of the thiaphosphirane ring: P-2 = 2.101(2), P-C = 1.770(5) and S-C = 1.767(5) A (remarkably short), and LSPC = 53.5(2), LPSC = 53.6(2) and LPCS = 72.9(2 >" .Phosphorus-containing small ring compounds as well as pm-bonded PIII and Pv compounds are of current interest, particularly with respect to their bonding properties and reactivities. Kinetic stabilization with bulky substituents has been applied in many attempts to isolate unstable compounds. Bulky groups are also known to stabilize threemembered heterocyclic compounds with an exocyclic double bond, which are of special interest in view of their ring strain and reactivities [l]. By introducing an extremely bulky 2,4,6-tri-t-butylphenyl group into a molecule as a protecting group, we have been successful in the preparation and characterization of some P=C double-bonded * To whom correspondence should be addressed. 0 1990 VCH Publishers, Inc.compounds, such as E-and Z-2-phenyl-l-(2,4,6,trit-butylpheny1)phosphaethylenes [2], 3-phenyl-142, 4,6-tri-t -butylpheny1)-3 -aza-1 -phosphaallene[3], 1,3 -bis(2,4,6 -tri -t -butylphenyl)-1,3 -diphosphaallene [4, 51, and 3,3-diphenyl-1-(2,4,6-tri-t-butylpheny1)-1-phosphaallene (1) 13, 61. We report here the x-ray crystal structure and some spectroscopic properties of 3-diphenylmethylene-2-(2,4,6-tri-tbutylpheny1)thiaphosphirane 2-sulfide (3), the first thiaphosphirane with an exo-methylene group.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe starting material, 3,3-diphenyl-1-(2,4,6-tri-tbutylpheny1)-1 -phosphaallene (1) was prepared by either reaction of a lithium silylphosphide with diphenylketene [3] or reaction of a 1-silyl-2-phosphaethenyl-lithium with benzophenone 161 (Scheme 1). The title compound, 3-diphenylmethylene-2-(2,4,6-tri-t-butylpheny1)thiaphosphirane 2-sulfide (3) was prepared by sulfurization of 1 by the method previously described by ourselves [7]. When the ,'P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum was taken during the reaction, a peak appeared at tip 79 and indicated the initial formation of the l-phosphaallene 1-sulfide 2 as an intermediate, similar to the results of sulfurization reactions of phosphorus double-bonded compounds such as phosphaalkenes and diphosphenes [8-103.