C14Fto is orthorhombic, space group Pbca, with a = 9.59 (1), b = 9.59 (1), c = 27.34 (2) A, Z = 8. The structure was refined to R = 5.25% for 1202 counter amplitudes [I > 2.5a(I)]. The molecule is essentially planar, but its long axis is slightly bent so that the aromatic rings make an in-plane angle of 4 ° with one another. The C-C triple-bond length is 1.198 /~ and the two C(sp)-C(sp 2) lengths average 1.419 /~, (uncorrected for thermal libration). E.s.d.'s are 0.004-0.006 /k for bond lengths and 0-4-0.5 ° for bond angles.