via polytopes Michael Walter et al. proposed a sufficient condition detecting the genuinely entangled pure states. In this paper, we indicate that generally, the coefficient vector of a pure product state of n qubits cannot be decomposed into a tensor product of two vectors, and show that a pure state of n qubits is a product state if and only if there exists a permutation of qubits such that under the permutation, its coefficient vector arranged in ascending lexicographical order can be decomposed into a tensor product of two vectors. The contrapositive of this result reads that a pure state of n qubits is genuinely entangled if and only if its coefficient vector cannot be decomposed into a tensor product of two vectors under any permutation of qubits. Further, by dividing a coefficient vector into 2 i equal-size block vectors, we show that the coefficient vector can be decomposed into a tensor product of two vectors if and only if any two non-zero block vectors of the coefficient vector are proportional. In terms of "proportionality", we can rephrase that a pure state of n qubits is genuinely entangled if and only if there are two non-zero block vectors of the coefficient vector which are not proportional under any permutation of qubits. Thus, we avoid decomposing a coefficient vector into a tensor product of two vectors to detect the genuine entanglement. We also present the full decomposition theorem for product states of n qubits.