production of superhydrophobic coatings inspired by the surface
of plant leaves is a challenging goal. Such coatings hold a bright
technological future in niche markets of the aeronautical, space,
naval, building, automobile, and biomedical sectors. This work is
focused on the adaxial (top) and abaxial (bottom) surfaces of the
leaflet of the Ceratonia silique L.
(carob), a high-commercial-value Mediterranean tree cultivated in
many regions of the world. The adaxial and abaxial surfaces feature
hydrophobic and superhydrophobic behaviors, respectively. Their chemical
composition is very simple: monopalmitin ester and palmitic acid are
protuberant in the epicuticular and intracuticular wax layers of the
adaxial surface, respectively, whereas 1-octacosanol dominates in
the abaxial wax layers. In both surfaces, epicuticular wax is organized
along a randomly oriented and intricate network of nanometer-thick
and micrometer-long plates, whose density and degree of interconnection
are significantly higher in the abaxial surface. The measured tilting
angles for the abaxial surface (12–70°) reveal unusual
variable density and water adhesion of the nanostructured plate-based
texture. Optical measurements demonstrate that light reflectance/absorbance
of the glaucous abaxial surface is significantly higher/lower than
that of the nonglaucous adaxial surface. In both surfaces, diffuse
reflectance is dominant, and the absorbance is weakly dependent on
the light incidence angle. We show that the highly dense nanostructured
platelike texture of the epicuticular abaxial layer of the C. siliqua leaflet works as a sophisticated light
and water management system: it reflects solar radiation diffusely
to lower the surface temperature, and it has superhydrophobic character
to keep the surface dry. Such attributes enable efficient gas exchange
(photosynthesis and respiration), transpiration, and evaporation.
To mimic for the first time the abaxial surface, a templation approach
was adopted using poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)/poly(methylphenylsiloxane)
(PMPS) positive/negative replicas and a soft polymer/siloxane negative
replica produced by the sol–gel process. Because high topographical
variations of the biotemplate and wax adhesion to the biohybrid film
affected the replication quality, the reproduction of the wax texture
via the synthesis of 1-octacosanol-grafted siloxane-based hybrid materials
is proposed as a suitable route to duplicate the abaxial surface with
high fidelity. The natural chemical/physical strategy adopted by the C. siliqua leaflet to face the harsh Mediterranean
climate is a powerful source of bioinspiration for the development
of diffuse reflecting and superhydrophobic material systems with foreseen
applications as dual-functional antiglare and water-repelling coatings.