The Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise-Ratio model (SINR) is currently the most popular model for analyzing communication in wireless networks. Roughly speaking, it allows receiving a message if the strength of the signal carrying the message dominates over the combined strength of the remaining signals and the background noise at the receiver. There is a large volume of analysis done under the SINR model in the centralized setting, when both network topology and communication tasks are provided as a part of the common input, but surprisingly not much is known in the ad hoc setting, when nodes have very limited knowledge about the network topology. In particular, there is no theoretical study of deterministic solutions to multi-hop communication tasks, i.e., tasks in which packets often have to be relayed in order to reach their destinations. These kinds of problems, including broadcasting, routing, group communication, leader election, and many others, are important from perspective of development of future multi-hop wireless and mobile technologies, such as MANET, VANET, Internet of Things.In this paper we initiate a study of distributed deterministic broadcasting in ad-hoc wireless networks with uniform transmission powers under the SINR model. We design algorithms in two settings: with and without local knowledge about immediate neighborhood. In the former setting, our solution has almost optimal O(D log 2 n) time cost, where n is the size of a network, D is the eccentricity of the network and {1, . . . , N } is the set of possible node IDs. In the latter case, we prove an Ω(n log N ) lower bound and develop an algorithm matching this formula, where n is the number of network nodes. As one of the conclusions, we derive that the inherited cost of broadcasting techniques in wireless networks is much smaller, by factor around min{n/D, ∆}, than the cost of learning the immediate neighborhood. Finally, we develop a O(D∆ log 2 N ) algorithm for the setting without local knowledge, where ∆ is the upper bound on the degree of the communication graph of a network. This algorithm is close to a lower bound Ω(D∆).In the model without local knowledge, we take advantage of the fact that efficient deterministic distributed communication is possible (in the SINR model) between stations which are very close, despite large amount of interferences caused by other transmitters. This feature somehow compensates inconveniences caused by distant interferences and makes it possible to obtain a broadcasting algorithm with efficiency similar to that obtained for UDG radio networks. However, unlike in the UDG radio networks model, the (lower) bounds apply also for randomized solutions. In other words, randomization does not substantially help in ad hoc distributed broadcasting in a large class of networks.Recent development of deterministic protocols for wireless communication, e.g., CDMA-based technologies, and rapidly growing scale of ad hoc wireless networks, poses new challenges for design of efficient deterministic distributed proto...