One greenhouse pot experiment was used to investigate the availability of phosphorus in struvite derived from urine affected by soil pH (cinnamon soil, pH 7.3; paddy soil, pH 5.3) and irrigation water (pH 6.0 and 7.5) with bird rapeseed (Brassica campestris L.). The biomass of applied struvite in paddy soil was significantly greater than that of applied calcium superphosphate. However, statistically significant differences were not observed in cinnamon soil. Soil-applied struvite had a higher Olsen P compared to soil-applied calcium superphosphate irrespective of soil type. The biomass of applied struvite and irrigation with pH 6.0 water was greater compared to that with irrigation with pH 7.3 water irrespective of soil type, accompanied with significantly higher leaf chlorophyll concentration. Therefore, struvite has the potential to be an effective P fertilizer, and acidic irrigation water has greater influence on the availability of phosphorus in struvite than does acidic soil. KEYWORDS: struvite, phosphorus, plant availability, soil, irrigation water
■ INTRODUCTIONPhosphorus (P), as an indispensable resource, is an essential nutrient for crop growth. The depletion timeline of P rock reserves ranges from 30 to 300 years.1 Although this estimation provides substantial uncertainty and more accurate data are lacking, there is no doubt regarding the irreversible depletion of high-concentration rock P reserves and the decline of the quality of the reserves (such as % P and presence of impurities) over time, 1 resulting in higher economic and energy cost for P exploitation. If P can be recovered in an economical way, it can re-enter the agricultural supply chain, displacing the consumption of traditional P fertilizer. It helps to create an ecofriendly environment by reducing the need for P rock 2 and to alleviate the P load emissions to water bodies. Human urine accounts for approximately 50% of the total P load in municipal wastewater, with <1% of the total wastewater volume.3 Direct application of urine in agriculture is feasible in practice. 4 However, huge quantities of separated urine are often difficult to transport and to store due to its unpleasant odor. Furthermore, health risk due to micropollutants and nitrogen (N) loss due to ammonia volatilization will be unavoidable during the application of urine to soil. Therefore, P recovery from urine in the form of struvite crystals will be a promising option with easy transportation, hygiene safety, and less nutrient loss.Struvite crystal is formed with an equal molar concentrations of magnesium (Mg), ammonium, and phosphate combined with six water molecules (MgNH 4 PO 4 ·6H 2 O), which contains 5.7% N, 12.6% P, and 9.9% Mg by weight. The solubility of struvite is highly dependent on pH, 5 and it is sparingly soluble in neutral and alkaline solutions, but readily soluble in acid solution. The P in the urine is mainly present as inorganic phosphate, and struvite obtained from urine has the advantages of higher P 2 O 5 content (28.9%) compared to common ...