Pregledni članakIn many parts of the world, the significance of religion has increased during the last years and decades. In the sociology of religion, the secularization thesis was the dominant framework for the interpretation of developments in the realm of religion for a long time. Meanwhile, other explanation patterns have become more prominent, such as the individualization thesis and economic theories. The so-called "spatial turn" does not seem to have reached sociology of religion yet. In history of religion (religious studies), however, questions of spatiality and locality are being studied intensively.Geography of religion has been regarded a diverse and incoherent field until recently. In the past years this has changed. Two directions of research have become apparent. One of them mainly considers social geographical problems and methods while the other has been influenced by the new cultural geography approach. Both should more frequently work with the above mentioned theoretical approaches of sociology of religion. Geography of religion must not, however, lose track of its main goal: it always has to point to the fact that all religious processes take place in space and have a spatial dimension.Key words: Geography of religion, spatial turn, sociology of religion, religious science
Geografija religije -ponovno otkrivanje znanstvene subdisciplinePosljednjih desetljeća u mnogim dijelovima svijeta poraslo je značenje religije. U sociologiji religije sekularizacija je dugo vremena bila dominantno okvirno načelo za tumačenje razvoja religije. U međuvremenu dolaze do izražaja i drugi obrasci tumačenja, kao što su teza o individualizaciji i ekonomske teorije. Takozvani "prostorni obrat" ("spatial turn") izgleda da još nije zahvatio sociologiju religije. Međutim, pitanja prostornosti i mjesta vrlo se intenzivno proučavaju kroz povijest religije (religijski studiji).Geografija religije donedavno se smatrala raznolikim i nepovezanim područjem. Posljednjih godina to se izmijenilo. Uočavaju se dva smjera istraživanja. Jedan se, uglavnom, bavi socijalno-geografskim problemima i metodama, dok je drugi pod utjecajem novog pristupa kulturne geografije. Oba bi češće trebala koristiti gore spomenute teorijske pristupe sociologije religije. Međutim, geografija religije ne smije izgubiti iz vidokruga svoj glavni cilj: uvijek treba ukazivati na činjenicu da se svi religijski procesi odvijaju u prostoru i imaju prostornu dimenziju.