This study involved a systematic and evaluative review of school climate measures to catalog main domains and subdomains and rate parameters of instrument presentation and psychometric quality. Four databases were used (Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC, and PsycINFO) and 37 instruments (studies) met inclusion criteria (instrument measured school climate; psychometric properties of the instrument were provided; every instrument included in the review has its original version published; the article was in English or Spanish; the article was a peer-reviewed publication). Information was synthesized according to instrument presentation and psychometric quality. The expansion of literature search routes was designed to mitigate publication bias. Analysis revealed four main domains among extant school climate measures: relationships (social relationships, school connectedness, leadership, and culture), environment (school facilities, physical comfort, and cleanliness), safety/discipline (school safety, fairness of rules, bullying and aggression, disciplinary harshness, and general drug use), and academic (academic outcomes, equality of opportunity, engagement, and cohesiveness/competitiveness). This domain/subdomain architecture could serve as a touchstone for conceptualizing school climate and developing and refining future assessment devices for this construct. The domain/subdomain architecture could also help guide school reform