A biannual
chemistry demonstration-based show named “Energy
and U” was created to extend the general outreach themes of
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields and
a college education with a specific goal: to teach the first law of
thermodynamics to elementary school students. The effectiveness of
the program was analyzed using a clicker survey system for over 12 000
visiting students. The fraction of the students that correctly answered
the question “Is it possible to create energy?” increased
from 14% immediately before the show to 89% immediately after the
show. Students who had seen the show at least 5 months prior were
twice as likely to correctly answer at the beginning of the show,
demonstrating longer-term lesson retention. Interestingly, similar
trends were observed for the adult chaperones that accompanied the
students and participated in the clicker survey. A statistically significant
difference (>99% confidence interval) was noted between the students’
responses to the questions “Can you create energy?”
and “Can you destroy energy?”, revealing a potential
effect of word choice on the interpretation of the first law of thermodynamics
despite the two questions representing complementary concepts. Student
performance, measured interest in science, and desire to attend college
were not correlated with standard economic indicators. This measurement
is consistent with the postulate that economic biases surrounding
interest in STEM fields are less pronounced in elementary school than
later in high school.