“…The four-part model suggested in this paper informs the use of multiple-method research designs that can be conducive to an investigation of ipse mathematics identity. In addition to use of drawings to elicit learners' beliefs and experiences (see Towers et al 2018), such research designs and methodologies can include both focus group and oneon-one interviews (see Fellus 2018); conversation over video-recorded classroom situations where students watch video clips of their own or others' classroom interactions and provide interpretations of what they see while at the same time also engaging in identity work (see Mason and McFeetors 2007); elicitation of past experiences through the use of what McAdams (1995) calls life chapters where participants organize their past experiences with mathematics in the form of book chapters and provide interpretations of the relationship between past events, present actions, and future plans (see Fellus 2018); invitation to assign humanlike characteristics to mathematics in order to elicit learners' relationships with mathematics, as Zazkis (2015) did in asking his prospective mathematics teachers to describe their relationship with mathematics as if it were a human being; use of metaphors in thinking about mathematics as Markovits and Forgasz (2017) did, asking young children to think about animal metaphors to express their thoughts about mathematics; harnessing the method of duoethnography, which builds on a collective sense making over mathematics-related issue through interaction among two (thus duo) or more participants as Zazkis and Koichu (2015) did in their conversation on understanding the infinitude of primes; capturing visual representations through photographs and videos-also known as photovoice-of thoughts about mathematics to allow for students' voices to be heard as they express ideas in and about mathematics thus developing their mathematics authorial identity (see Harkness and Stallworth 2013); and writing short mathematics-related poems that are instrumental for their structural and expressive simplicity as Haltiwanger and Simpson (2013) illustrate through examples of students' cinquains (five-line poems) on mathematical concepts. (Ivanič 2006) Stories that "are reifying, endorsable, and significant" (Sfard and Prusak 2005, p. 16) Andersson et al Bishop 2012Boaler 2005Boaler et al 2000Damarin 2000Heyd-Metzuyanim 2013Hogan 2008Mason and McFeetors 2007Oakes 1990Sfard and Prusak 2005Wood 2013 Stating positions, ideas, and beliefs (Ivanič 1998) Appropriation of content knowledge, words, and ideas…”