Technology and engineering education (TEE) corresponds to technical craft in Finnish primary and secondary school craft subject. However, there have not been in the specific descriptions of the technology and engineering content in the subject in the national core curricula for basic education since 1994. The research task here was to outline what TEE is in Finnish primary and secondary school craft. The research method was a qualitative case study, based on the experts’ outlines. The core of TEE learning goals definitions, the content of engineering, and its pedagogy was used to analyse the data collected from TEE experts (n = 23). As a result, new theoretical foundations of TEE in general education are presented. The description includes the basics of the conditions of existence for the subject, and its key general leaning goals in the framework of technology education, main in engineering fields and methods and central pedagogical models. The results reveal the diverse and unified structure of TEE to be used in the craft subject in general education and teacher education, and in outlining and studying the future development of TEE.