SažetakPosledice fizičke neaktivnosti, i nedovoljna edukovanost o njenom značaju, utiču, ne samo na dužinu i kvalitet života, nego i na ekonomske aspekte, kao što su troškovi prouzrokovani zdravstvenom negom i smanjenjem radne produktivnosti stanovništva Srbije. Na osnovu iskustava zemalja u tranziciji i onih koje odlikuju uređeni sistemi obrazovanja, u pogledu nastavnih programa Fizičkog vaspitanja, postoje mogućnosti za neophodnu reformu kurikuluma, prilagođenih našim mogućnostima i potrebama, a koji se pre svega odnosi na ciljeve nastave -pravilan razvoj, formiranje pozitivnih navika prema fizičkoj aktivnosti i zdravlje. Dosadašnje reforme programa Fizičkog vaspitanja u Srbiji nisu dale rezultate. Reformu, treba da čini prelazak sa obrazovanja usmerenog na program, na obrazovanje usmereno na krajnje ishode (znanja, umeća i stavovi o fizičkoj aktivnosti tj. vrednostima za ceo život). Ciljevi i ishodi nastave Fizičkog vaspitanja treba budu individualizovani prema psihosomatskom statusu i određenim dimenzijama tog statusa. Samim tim se i uloga, ali i odgovornost nastavnika, menja, pa je potrebna i reforma njihovog obrazovanja. U svemu tome velika je uloga države na svim nivoima -kroz strategije i kampanje u cilju podizanja svesti nacije i proširivanja znanja o značaju fizičke aktivnosti kroz sve vidove obrazovanja.Ključne reči: fizičko vaspitanje, zdravlje, obrazovni sistem, reforme
PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN TRANSITION AbstractThe consequences of physical inactivity and insufficient education about its importance are affecting not only the length and the quality of life, but also the economic aspects, such as health care costs caused by the reduction in labour productivity of the Serbian population. Based on previous experiences of countries in transition and those that have well-arranged systems of education, in terms of teaching of physical education programmes, there are possibilities for the necessary reform of the curriculum, adapted to our abilities and needs. These are primarily related to the objectives of education -proper development and creation of positive habits regarding physical activity and health. So far, the reforms of physical education in Serbia have not produced results. The reform should be the transition from education focused on the program to education focused on the ultimate goals (knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards physical activity, i.e. the lifelong values). The objectives and outcomes of teaching physical education should be individualized according to the psychosomatic status and specific dimensions of that status. Therefore, the role and responsibility of teachers change and it is necessary to reform their education. Of course, government is very involved in all of this, at all levels -throughout strategies and campaigns to raise awareness of the nation and its knowledge about the importance of physical activity through all forms of education.