DOI: 10.17058/signo.v46i86.15900
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Students’ perceptions of a scientific writing course: SFL Genre Pedagogy in an EFL context

Abstract: Genre approaches to teaching have long been applied to improve students’ skills, and their effect has usually been assessed by looking into students’ productions. In this work, we examine students’ perceptions of the implementation of a genre-based writing course that incorporated tasks developed by the Reading to Learn Pedagogy (R2LP) (Rose & Martin, 2008) for the teaching of Scientific Research Articles (SRA) in an EFL context. A scientific writing course in English was offered for 8 weeks on a weekly ba… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 45 publications
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“…Subsequently, the student must rewrite texts using patterns recognised while reading (Rival Prakoso et al, 2021). In the final stage, students are subjected to independent writing, where they inform other readers about the text types and writing purposes, point out various levels in the text, and include components to help others understand a certain genre (Mirallas, 2021). These strategies used in genre-based training could guarantee reading comprehension among students.…”
Section: B Research Purpose and Questionsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Subsequently, the student must rewrite texts using patterns recognised while reading (Rival Prakoso et al, 2021). In the final stage, students are subjected to independent writing, where they inform other readers about the text types and writing purposes, point out various levels in the text, and include components to help others understand a certain genre (Mirallas, 2021). These strategies used in genre-based training could guarantee reading comprehension among students.…”
Section: B Research Purpose and Questionsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Generally, these studies helped the researcher to understand the genre-based instruction strategies used in reading comprehension, which is useful in the subsequent research. Nevertheless, earlier studies did not address the reasons for using this teaching language in college (Mirallas, 2021). Thus, the necessity of using genre-based instruction in undergraduate education will be assessed in the following study.…”
Section: B Research Purpose and Questionsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Yu Huang and Lawrence Zhang (2020) did an intervention study of process-genre approach in two English classes at a university in China and found significant increases in the intervention group's writing performance and little improvement in the comparison group. Mirallas (2021) experimented the genre approach in the form of Reading to Learn Pedagogy to the teaching of Science Research Article writing to researchers in an EFL context and found it was effective. But there are also some studies which do not provide evidence for the teaching effects and genre awareness improvement.…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Incorporating digital learning tools into the realm of scientific writing has opened up a world of thrilling prospects for students' educational journey. The thorough investigation of student user experience in utilizing such platforms is a new and promising focal point despite the widespread attention that the concept has received (Guo, 2021;Mirallas, 2021;Oktarina, Indrawati and Slamet, 2022;Weaver, Taylor and Osborn, 2019). The integration of technology and enhanced user experience will revolutionize our understanding of how student interactions with electronic platforms impact efficiency, creativity, and the outcome of scientific writing (Eppler et al, 2021;Meletiadou, 2021).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%