Stroke disease can cause decreased mobility, physical strength, work difficulties, hobbies, and cognitive abilities in patients which causing anxiety. This study was conducted to assess the level of anxiety in stroke patients at RSUD Dr. M. Djamil Padang. This research is a categorical analytic study using a cross-sectional design with the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales questionnaire instrument (DASS-42). The sample in this study was selected by consecutive sampling technique with a total sample of 85 stroke patients. In this study, it was found that the highest level of anxiety was in the mild category, namely 25 patients (45.5%) of the 55 stroke patients who had anxiety, while the other 30 stroke patients had no anxiety. The most age group of stroke patients was 46-55 years, namely 28 patients (32.9%), with a correlation test value of anxiety levels based on age, namely 0.396 (p <0.05). Males were the most gender, namely 47 patients (55.3%) with a correlation test value of anxiety levels based on sex, namely 0.017 (p <0.05), the majority of patient education was college educated, namely 42 patients (49.4%) with a correlation test value anxiety level based on education is 0.564 (p <0.05). The occupation of the most patients was PNS/TNI/Polri, namely 31 patients (36.5%), with a correlation test value of anxiety levels based on work, namely 0.044 (p<0.05).