ABSTRACT'. The auditory brainstem response (ABR) was monitored in nine infant rhesus monkeys during the intravenous infusion of 50-168 mg/kg of unconjugated bilirubin. Sulfisoxazole (200 mg/kg) was sometimes given near the end of or just before the bilirubin infusion if no obvious ABR change had yet occurred. Five of the animals were term gestation, four were preterm, and they ranged from 1 to 40 days of age at the time of study. The three oldest term animals, studied at 20,35 and 40 days of age, respectively, showed variable changes in the ABR waves during bilirubin infusion and these changes were not altered further by sulfisoxazole administration. The other two term infants, studied at 1 and 6 days of age, respectively, showed sulfisoxazole enhanced ABR wave latency increase and amplitude reduction followed by loss of the ABR. Both of these animals became apneic following ABR loss and eventually died. The ABR reappeared in one animal prior to death. Minimal gross and microscopic changes were present in the brain of the 6-day-old animal at autopsy. The four preterm animals all had a progressive wave amplitude decrease followed by loss of the ABR with bilirubin alone. These preterm animals were sacrificed shortly after the ABR loss with only one showing yellow staining of the basal ganglia at autopsy. The infant rhesus monkey may be a useful paradigm for bilirubin-induced ototoxicity as manifested by potentially reversible ABR changes. The changes are dependent on gestational and chronological age of the animal and appear to occur in the peripheral eighth nerve or cochlea as well as in brainstem pathways. (Pediatr Res 20: 51 1-515, 1986) Abbreviation ABR, auditory brainstem response Hearing loss occurs in about half of the infants surviving bilirubin encephalopathy (1), and the ABR measured months or years following the bilirubin injury is often absent or present only at increased stimulus intensity suggesting auditory nerve injury (2, 3).Recent reports have documented a variety of acute, usually reversible ABR wave latency changes, amplitude changes, and