(Dedicated to Prof. Dr. M. Viscontini for his 501h birthday) (31. X. 72)Suwnzary. Thc structure of ester of 2-hydroxy-4-mcthoxy-6-methylbenzoic acid with 6-acetoxy-7-hydroxy-7-methyl-3-propenyl-3,4,5,6,7, 265 (E 16,800) and 305 nm (t 5,500)). These features, together with the presence in the NMK. 5pectrum of 1 (see below) of an Aryl-Me, one OMe, two aromatic meta protons, and one clielated OH, suggested the presence of an orsellinic acid-type moiety.Methanolysis of 1 with sodium methoxide afforded methyl 2-hydroxy-4-niethoxy-6-methylbenzoate (3) and a mixture of two products, 2 and 5. Treatment of this mixture with CH,N, gave 3 and methyl 2,4-dimethoxy-O-niethylbenzoate (4), thus making the isolation of 5 easier. The compound 5 has formula C,,H,,O, (m.w. = 238), and its IR. spectrum shows only one CO band at 6.00 ,IL; the UV. absorption at 239 nm ( E = 8,100). Comparison of the NMR. and mass spectra of 1 and 5 shows that in the methanolysis atlso an acetoxy group has been hydrolyzed. Confirmation of this result was obtained by acid hydrolysis of 1 with dil. HCI, that gave deacetylwortmin (6) (m.w. = 402), which, by methanolysis, gave again 5. Thus I must be a diester of the diol 5 with acetic acid and with 2-hydroxy-4-methoxg--6-methylbenzoic acid (2).Rcetylation of 5 gave diacetyl-5 (7) (m.w. = 322). The analysis of the NMR. spectra of 1, 4, 5, 6, together with double and triple resonance experiments gave information on all the H atoms of the compound 1 (see l) Centro Idel C.N.R. per lo Studio dellc Sostanzc Organichc Naturali.