“…To account for dependence of variables in the linear regression context, the variance of skewness difference (σγX−γY2=σγX2+σγY2−2cov(γX,γY)) can be used as a basis for the denominator, where σγX2 and σγY2 are the variances of γ X and γ Y , and cov (γ X , γ Y ) is the covariance of γ X and γ Y . The variances of standard normally distributed quantities equal one and the correlation between third central moments of two variables can be approximated by the cube of the correlation between X and Y , ργXγY=cov(γX,γY)/(σγXσγY)≈ρXY3 (see Pearson & Young, 1918; Pepper, 1929; Rider, 1929; Wishart, 1928, for detailed discussions of sampling moments of product moment coefficients and sampling moments of moments). Thus, σγX−γY2=σγX2+σγY2−2ρ…”