Temperature and frequency dependences of the electric permittivity in mixed monomer-polymer single crystals of the diacetylene pTS (2,4-hexadiynylene bis(p-toluenesulphonate)) are reported. The dependences were determined in the temperature range 100-250 K, and in the frequency range 100 Hz-1 MHz. Two types of single crystals were studied: nearly-fully polymerized ones, and those containing ca. 20% of polymer in the monker matrix. The dynamics is characterized by a high-frequency response (v > 3 GHz) which corresponds to the soft mode analysed previously by the Raman and neutroii inelástic scatterings. At low frequencies (v < 1 kHz), another component is observed, its dielectric intensity peaking around the transition temperature in the fully polymerized crystals. The results are consistent with the results obtained from NMR and neutron scattering experiments.