The holographic principle, being a generic feature of quantum gravity, should allow for the consideration of dualities other than AdS/CFT. The AdS/BCFT correspondence, in which the dual field theory has local conformal symmetry and is defined on a manifold with boundary, is one such example. Inspired by the quotienting of AdS 3 by spacetime isometries in order to construct multiboundary wormholes dual to multipartite CFT 2 states, we find that this correspondence can be understood by combining AdS/CFT with some appropriate quotient procedure. Furthermore, in three bulk dimensions, we find example quotient spaces of AdS 3 in order to construct "natural" bulk duals for specific BCFT 2 states, one of which appears to describe a novel, time-dependent BCFT 2 solution. We call this particular refinement of AdS/BCFT, in which we use quotients, the quotient-AdS/BCFT correspondence.