Investigations of metallurgical materials such as blast furnace sinters and pellets require the syntheses of the standard phases contained in these materials.Synthetic pure and calcium-doped iron oxides were studied Calcium ferrite phases originated in the intergranular space and strongly affected the reducibility of the sinter, besides haematite and magnetite.Studies of the formation and physicochemical properties of the synthetic calcium ferrites CaFe204 and Ca2Fe2Os, identified in polycrystalline calciomagnetite and caiciowustite samples, are described.
ExperimentalThe calcioferrites CaFe204 and Ca2Fe205 have been obtained by thermal dissociation [1][2][3][4][5][6] and following the sintering of stoichiometric CaCO3-Fe203 mixtures at 1150 ~ in air [7]. The products were subjected to microscopic and diffractometric examination and also to microregion spectral analysis.In order to determine the conditions of ferrite formation, thermal analyses were carried out with a Q-15000 Paulik-Paulik-Erdey derivatograph. TG, DTG, DTA analyses were performed in air atmosphere, using 500 mg samples. The temperature was increased at a rate of 7.5 deg/min.As can be seen in Fig. 1, the TG and DTG analyses of a 1:1 molar mixture of in the temperature range 525-880 ~ indicate the complex character of the weight loss (16.4%) process. The process involving a slow increase in the weight loss rate between 325 and 825 ~ turns into the next step with an altered rate up to 880 ~ . The complexity of the weight loss process is confirmed by DTA. There are initially endothermic effects conJohn Wiley & Sons, Limited, Chichester Akadgmiai Kind6, Budapest