added to the feed stream. This experiment simulates the conditions as they would exist halfway through the reactor and bears directly on the question of ammonia intermediacy since it determines the efficiency of the catalyst to remove ammonia under reaction conditions (Bemstein, et al., 1973).The results for the ammonia addition experiments are dramatically different for the two states of the catalyst (Figure 7). Thus, most of the ammonia passes through the reactor unchanged when the catalyst is in the reduced state. In contrast for the oxidized catalyst, the ammonia did not pass through the reactor but was efficiently removed at temperatures above 350°C. The presence of only 350 ppm of NH3 in the product a t -250°C is due to our inability to analyze for NH3 in the presence of large amounts of NO. An NH3-NO reaction over the Pt catalyst used t u oxidize NH3 back to NO for the NH3 analysis results in a decrease in the amount of NH3 determined. This problem does not exist at higher temperatures where all the N O is reacted. These additional ammonia experiments strongly support the intermediacy of ammonia for oxygen-treated Ru-Al203. The fact that the added ammonia does not affect the temperature of NO removal ( Figure 7) argues against a change in the mechanism for NO removal with the added "3.It has been suggested though that an NO-NH3 mechanism may operate at low temperature to some extent all the time (Otto and Shelef, 1973).In both states ruthenium is very selective in the conversion of nitric oxide to molecular nitrogen. The unique selectivity of ruthenium catalysts in NO reduction is undoubtedly related to the unique chemistry of ruthenium with nitrogen ligands (Cotton and Wilkinson, 1972). Thus, the strong NO-ruthenium bonding as well as the remarkable interactions of Nz with ruthenium are consistent with the Nz selectivity of ruthenium catalysts in NO reduction.Ammonia intermediacy does not appear to be involved in NO reduction over reduced Ru-Alz03 (Taylor and Klimisch, 1973) and is only a minor pathway to nitrogen over the oxygen treated Ru-Al203 catalyst. Acknowledgment of Mr. R. M. Sinkevitch in all aspects of this work.
Literature CitedThe authors acknowledge the indispensable assistanceThe effect of reaction parameters such as temperature, space velocity, and pollutant concentration on the performance of monolithic-supported Pd-Ni and Pd-Ru alloys in reduction of NO has been studied in a laboratory reactor. Freshly prepared Pd-Ni and Pd-Ru catalysts convert 100% NO (1000 ppm) with less than 5% ammonia formation in 0.4% 0 2 (1% CO and 250 ppm of C3H6) at 600 and 480°C, respectively. Conversions of NO, CO, and C3H6 decrease slightly with increasing space velocity. The effect of dynamic exposure to 100 ppm of SO2 is to lower slightly but reversibly the NO and C3H6 conversions while significantly and irreversibly lowering conversion of CO. After 100 hr of exposure in a reducing en ine exhaust the conversions of NO, CO, and C3H6 over monolithic-supported Pd-Ru/AlzOp and Pd-NiaNiAlz04 are lowered 5-20% c...