Previous studies have suggested that, in vivo, activated T lymphocytes and neutrophils are important in immunity to nontypable Haemophilus influenzae. We now extend this work by showing that neutrophils pretreated with products of activated T lymphocytes or activated macrophages show significantly enhanced killing of nontypable H. influenrae. Lymphotoxin, a product of activated T lymphocytes, significantly enhanced the neutrophil-mediated killing of nontypable H. infi uenzae, and tumor necrosis factor, produced by activated T lymphocytes as well as macrophages stimulated by activated T lymphocytes, also significantly increased the bactericidal activity of neutrophils. These cytokine-induced effects were seen with short pretreatment times of neutrophils and were maximal by 30 min. The killing of H . infiuenzae by neutrophils required the presence of heat-labile opsonins. In the absence of these opsonins, both tumor necrosis Nontypable Haemoph ilus infiuenzae is a co mmo n resp iratory pa thogen. It is carried in the nasopharynx of 70-80% of health y childr en (1). Coloniza tio n rates incr ease dur ing respirato ry illn ess (2) . In particul ar, colonizat ion of the nasoph arynx w ith nontypable H. infi uenzae may exceed 95% at the time of otitis media (3) , when the organism may compose 50% of the total bacterial flora (4). Although invasive disease, such as bacteremia, is uncommon with nontypabl e H. infl uenza e, local infection is frequent. Nont ypable H. infiu enzae is the second leading cause of acute otitis media and sinusitis and the lead ing ca use of recurrent or chronic otitis media in children (5-8).Th e protective role of antibody against nont ypable H. infiuenzae respi ratory infections in both humans and rat mod els is now qu estion abl e. High levels of antibo dy to this org an ism are presen t in se rum, saliva, and sputum of patients with chronic bronchitis (9, 10) , and in on e study the level of anti body in