Background: Previous research suggests a negative stereotype toward people with fluency disorders (i.e. stuttering and/or cluttering), although recent findings suggest that exposure to an actual person who stutters (e.g. a live or video presentation) leads to more positive perceptions of some personality traits. However, there is a paucity of research examining perceptions of a person who clutters and whether these perceptions can be modified via video exposure to cluttering. Aims: To examine the effects of video exposure to cluttering on university students' perceptions of a person who clutters. It was hypothesized that participants in the video condition would rate personality traits more positively than those who did not view the video clip.
Methods & Procedures:A total of 105 undergraduate students served as participants; 54 were provided with written definition of cluttering, whereas 51 were provided with both a definition and short segment of an instructional DVD on cluttering. Students then rated a person who clutters on a variety of speech skills and personality scales. Outcomes & Results: Independent samples t-tests yielded no significant group differences in ratings of any speech skills or personality traits. However, a significantly greater number of students who viewed the video clip reported a reluctance to hire a person who clutters specifically because of the individual's fluency disorder. Additionally, participants who did not view the video clip reported having more previous instructors who cluttered than those who did view the video clip; this increased familiarity with persons who clutter may have impacted perceptions of a person who clutters.
Conclusions & Implications:The present results indicate that viewing the brief video clip did not significantly influence ratings towards more positive perceptions, but also did not influence ratings to be significantly more negative on any traits. Further research is needed to compare the differences in the perceptions of listeners who have had long-term exposure to cluttered speech with those of listeners who have had brief exposure. Implications discussed include the impact of prior exposure to fluency disorders, as well as potential confusion between cluttering and 'fast speech'. These two factors may have influenced the identification rate of individuals with who clutter in the present study, which may have affected perceptions of a person who clutters.