Mathis, Wayne N. Studies of Ephydrinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), III: Revisions of Some Neotropical Genera and Species. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, number 303, 50 pages, 77 figures, 1980.-The systematics phylogeny, classification, and natural history of four genera, three subgenera, and one species of a fourth subgenus of Neotropical Scatellini are revised. Other taxa of Scatellini not known to occur in the Neotropics but whose status is altered as a consequence of this study are diagnosed and discussed. One new genus, Notiocoenia, and four new species, Limnellia itatiaia, Notiocoenia acutella, N. paniculata, and N. pollinosa, are described. Calocoenia Mathis is elevated to generic status as the sister group of Paracoenia Cresson, Thiomyia Wirth is relegated to subgeneric status as the sister group of Paracoenia sensu stricto, Synhoplos Lamb and Teichomyza Macquart are consigned to subgeneric status in Scatella Robineau-Desvoidy, and Scatophila curtipennis Becker is placed in the subgenus Neoscatella Malloch of Scatella. Keys to genera, subgenera, and species, illustrations, and distribution maps are provided. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recordel in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: The coral Mont cut rea cavernosa (Linnaeus). Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Mathis, Wayne N Studies of Ephydrinae (Diptera, Ephydridae). (Smithsonian contributions to zoology ; no. 285, 295, 303) Includes bibliographies. Contents: 1. Revisions of Parascatella Cresson and the triseta group of Scatella Robineau-Desvoidy. 2. Phylogeny, classification, and zoogeography of nearctic Lamproscatella Hendel. 3. Revisions of some neotropical genera and species. 1. Ephydridae. I. Shewell, Guy E., joint auhor II. Title. III. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to zoology ; no. 285 [etc.] Q.L.S54 no. 285 [QL537.E7]591'.08S [595.774] 78-606062 2 Tribe SCATELLINI Wirth and Stone 3 Key to Genera of Scatellini 3 Genus Austrocoenia Wirth 4 1. Austrocoenia aczeli Wirth 5 Genus Calocoenia Mathis, new status 7 Genus Paracoenia Cresson 8 Key to Subgenera of Paracoenia 9 Subgenus Paracoenia Cresson 9 2. Paracoenia {Paracoenia) wirthi Mathis 9 Subgenus Thiomyia Wirth, new status Notiocoenia, new genus Key to Species-Groups and Species of Notiocoenia The paniculata Group 3. Notiocoenia acutella, new species 4. Notiocoenia paniculata, new species The pollinosa Group 5. Notiocoenia pollinosa, new species Genus Limnellia Malloch Key to Neotropical Limnellia 6. Limnellia huachuca Mathis 7. Limnellia itatiaia, new species Genus Scatella Robineau-Desvoidy Key to Subgenera of Scatella Subgenus Neoscatella Malloch 8. Scatella {Neoscatella) curtipennis (Becker), new combination. . Subgenus Synhoplos Lamb, new status Key to Species of the Subgenus Synhoplos 9. Scatella {Synhoplos) neglectus (Lamb), new combination 10. Scatella {Synhoplos) sturdeeanus (Lamb), new combination ... Subgenus Teichomyza Macquart, new status 11. Sca...