The results of investigations of the hyperfine structure of electronic levels of the lanthanum atom, performed with laser spectroscopic methods in a hollow cathode discharge (laser-induced fluorescence or optogalvanic spectroscopy), are presented. These concern 35 electronic levels belonging to odd configurations as well as 48 levels belonging to even configurations. In the case of most levels, the hyperfine structure has not been studied before. Moreover, the values of energies and hyperfine structure constants for newly discovered levels of the lanthanum atom are presented: 1 odd level and 22 even levels. On the basis of the hyperfine structure measurements, a consistent spectroscopic description of the levels investigated (including new levels) is proposed. A compilation of all odd electronic levels in the lanthanum atom with experimentally determined hyperfine structure magnetic dipole interaction constants A is presented with the proposed classification and the respective values of the hyperfine structure constants predicted from the semiempirical calculations.