Abstract-The multiplicity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in monkey brain was studied by comparing the relationship between the selective substrates of MAO and the pH-activity curves obtained using these substrates.When mitochondrial and A-form MAO were used as the enzyme preparations with serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE), preferential substrates for A-form MAO, the pH optima were 8.8 and 7.8 with 5-HT and 8.5 and 7.2 with NE. These substrates were also oxidized by B-form MAO after changing the pH of the incubation medium (shift to alkaline); these pH optima were 9.0 and 8.2, respectively.When common substrates of MAO were used (tyramine, octopamine, dopamine and tryptamine), the pH activity curves obtained were all broad and bell-shaped with pH optima for the 3 species of enzyme (mitochondria, A-form and B-form MAO) at 8.0, 7.8, and 8.0 with tyramine; 8.3, 7.5, and 8.5 with octopamine; 7.8, 7.5, and 8.5 with dopamine; and 8.0, 8.3, and 6.9 with tryptamine, respectively.The pH optima were 6.6 with (3 phenylethylamine (;3-PEA) and 9.0 with benzylamine, preferential substrates for B form MAO, for either mitochondria or B-form MAO. The Km values obtained for tryptamine and (3-PEA were lower than those for the other substrates of MAO, regardless of the enzyme preparations.The Km and Vmax values of both forms MAO for 5-HT and NE were similar to those of the A-form MAO. The differences in the Km and Vmah values of the A-form MAO and B-form MAO for common substrates were comparable.Tyramine, octopamine and dopamine were substrates for both forms MAO, with only a slight preference for B-form MAO over A-form MAO. However, tryptamine may be deaminated predominantly by A-form MAO.Monoamine oxidase [monoamine: oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating), EC], commonly designated MAO, is responsible for metabolizing many endogenous mono amines, including serotonin (5-HT), norepin ephrine (NE), dopamine, octopamine, tyramine, tryptamine and (3-phenylethylamine (/3-PEA). A large number of xenobiotic compounds as well as endogenous mono amines are inhibitors of MAO; the elevation of mood by these compounds probably related to the accumulation of one or more of these amines.Recently, potent and selective irreversible inhibitors of MAO have been used to detect two forms of the enzyme in preparations from several sources (1, 2). A-form MAO is very sensitive to clorgyline (3), but B-form MAO is only inhibited by a high concen tration of clorgyline. In contrast, the drug (-)deprenyl (4) inhibits B-form MAO at a lower concentration than A-form MAO. 5-HT (3, 5) and NE (6) are preferential substrates for A-form MAO, and 8-PEA (7) and benzylamine (8) are preferential sub strates for B-form MAO. Dopamine (5), tyramine (7), tryptamine (1, 9) and octo pamine (10, 11) have been reported to be substrates in vitro for both forms of the enzyme. Although several workers (12-16) have attempted the separation of A and 13 form MAO, the nature of the two forms and the relationship between these forms are still obscure.Our previous studies (17,18...